Cold Care Kit


So, we’re at that time of the year where the sniffles and sneezes are well and truly setting in. As much as I am extremely grateful that it’s only a cold, it seems to be hitting harder this year because we’ve been so protected from germs and bacteria. Mine literally floored me.

So, what was in my cold care kit?

First off we had the usual cold and flu tablets alongside some painkillers and strawberry soothers – because every other flavour is a sin in my opinion. My lips go dryer than the Sahara Desert so my pawpaw lip balm is a saviour.

But I know you know the basics so here are the slightly unusual things I do when I feel under the weather.

Hanging Eucalyptus in the Shower

The earthy, minty scent of Eucalyptus is enough to help unwind but this plant has so many more benefits than just its aroma. Steam from a hot shower makes the native Australian plant release essential oils which helps to clear nasal congestion, (needless to say, this becomes a vital part of my night routine) these are also a preventative against infections such as bronchitis and can reduce sinus inflammation therefore releasing some of the tension built up in your head.

Minty Fresh Bath

Sometimes you just need to relax and unwind in a bath after a day of feeling crappy. I decided to throw some fresh mint leaves into my bath one night because it is good for congestion relief and that was enough to convince me. You can soak them in boiling water for 10 minutes and then add that liquid into your bath. Or, if you’re not a bubbles fan like me, just chuck them in whole when it’s running with your favourite dry flowers. Not only does it open up the airways for breathing, it’s a healing food for headaches.

Honey Tea

Gargling salt water is not for me but when it comes to sore throats, honey in your tea is the one. I’ll have this every night before bed, just my regular tea bags and a tablespoon of honey to soothe the pain from coughing all day and suppress my night time cough. The combination of this and the eucalyptus shower really help with sleep because we all know the pain of trying to fall asleep with a stuffed nose and those tickly coughs.

Cooling Pillow

I got my cooling gel pillow in BM Bargains for £7 and I’m obsessed with it. I’d naturally be a lover of cold pillows to sleep but they have their benefit when it comes to the common cold.

Sleeping with a cooling pillow will lower your temperature around the head, neck and shoulder area helping to get a more restful deep sleep to heal your body. I stack this on top of a regular pillow for the cold as the elevation relieves congestion too.

Stay Safe, C x

by Caitlin Mussen (Staff Health & Wellbeing Writer)

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